All-on-4 a Permanent Denture Solution

It seems to be a fact that, as people age, they start to lose their teeth more frequently. It might be simply neglect by not keeping to regular dental appointments, so that changes in the health of the teeth don’t get an early enough diagnosis, or it might be that an accident has caused early tooth loss.
Whatever the reason for tooth loss it is very disappointing to those in their 50s and 60s whose teeth have got to the point that there are not enough in the mouth to make them useable and they are told the only solution is using dentures.
Fortunately, denture researchers know the problems recipients of dentures have had to face. One of the most worrisome is when the dentures become loose or even fall out at a most inconvenient time. This causes embarrassment and those who see the incident would probably find it hard to forget. Now there is an answer to all these denture related problems, which is by fitting the All-on-4 permanent dental solution.
What is an All-on-4 permanent denture?
The All-on-4 tooth loss solution was first developed in 2000 in Portugal.
This is a type of denture once fitted remains in position permanently. It is particularly suited to anyone of any age who has been unfortunate enough to have lost most of their functional teeth. The procedure will involve removing any remaining teeth and placing 4 implants on the same day. Then the following day (or in some cases same day) a prosthetic dental arch is fixed to the implants (teeth in a day). This is a non removable denture. It basically means there is no need to worry about the dentures accidentally falling out at the wrong time.
The benefits of All-on-4 permanent dentures
- Get fully-functional, new teeth very quickly
- Improve your facial appearance
- Choose the food you eat
- Gain a long-lasting smile
- Easy to look after.
You will have no more worries if you eat something sticky which can dislodge partially fixed dentures. An All-on-4 denture can handle all your favourite foods. It also gives you the chance to smile with family and friends and they won’t be whispering behind your back wondering if your teeth are about to fall out.
Results can be seen immediately
Once the 4 dental implants have been put into place the dentures can be fixed into place within 24 hours.
How your appearance improves with All-on-4
Not only can you smile with confidence but having new teeth fixed permanently means that your jawbone will be preserved and your face shape will be maintained which helps to prevent wrinkles from developing which are typically caused by bone that has started to deteriorate because of tooth loss.
People who are most suited to All-on-4
This tooth loss solution benefits those whose teeth are so badly damaged they are unable to satisfactorily fulfil their purpose or they have lost all their teeth for some reason or another. Of course those who currently have a removable denture in place can now be assessed for suitability for the All-in-4 denture solution.
How the All-on-4 permanent dentures are fitted
Before fitting All-in-4s a full dental examination needs to be performed before any decision is made for your suitability for the procedure. Some people may not be suited to this method of replacing lost teeth. The first step will be consulting with your dentist. At this consultation he or she will conduct an examination of your mouth and undertake a CT scan. This scan is the key to assessing the suitability for implants. Your existing jaw bone can be checked for density which helps to determine exactly where to put the implants.
Your dentist might need to take x-rays to assist with the planning of your treatment. Following this procedure any teeth still in your mouth will need to be removed. After this a thorough cleaning of your mouth is necessary in order to remove any bacteria and damaged tissue. Don’t worry you won’t feel any pain as anaesthesia methods these days are advanced enough to eliminate pain completely.
The next stage is placing 2 implants in the front of your mouth and two longer angled implants at the back to offer solid stable support for the forces generated when chewing. The titanium implants are fixed in place and any stitching of open wounds is completed. These don’t need to be removed as they are typically made from a dissolvable material. The next step is fitting the new teeth.
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